A 2024-es napszemüvegkódex!

Az idei napszemüveg divat az eddigieknél is jobban kiemeli azokat a darabokat, melyek hangsúlyt adnak megjelenésednek, így lerántom a leplet ezek részleteiről, hogy átlendítsem fantáziád a legmerészebb darabok hullámhosszára.

Szerencsések vagyunk, hisz olyan irányba fordultak a tervezők, ahol a klasszikus megújításokat a színpompa, a macskaszem, a téglalap vagy a túlméretezett fazonok erejével vegyítették, miközben meglovagolták azok kacérabb, szórakoztatóbb, robosztusabb vagy szögletesebb vonalvezetésével, hogy végül még a szárukat is belemártsák az imádott logó trend legötletesebb időszakába. Egyes elemei az üvegsíkon túl beépülve, míg mások a száraikon kiemelkedve képesek fokozni hatásuk és meghozni áttörésük mértékét oly módon, hogy egy “újradedikált” formaillesztést érvényesítsenek.

Olyan mintha a múlt szabványait áthidalva egy szokványosabb trend harsányabb idejében lépkednénk, ahol a karakteresebb vonalvezetés vagy a színesebb lencse kibontakoztatja az egyediség perspektíváját. Mártsd bele és törd meg a szabályaid, hisz ez egy korszakalkotó idő!

Mivel a 70-es évek nosztalgikus fényereje továbbra is a szezonok trendidejének mozgatórugója, a tervezők újragondolták a színskálák azonosulását és eme képességét hatóerőként adták hozzá. Újraformált szemszögek összeillő változatai kerültek a kollekciók darabjai közé, ahol egyes kidolgozások beépültek az üvegsíkon túli vonalvezetésbe, hogy meghozzák igaz áttörésük és fokozzák viselésük erejét.

A statement darabok ékkövei pedig a túlméretezett macskaszem-keretekkel vagy a merészen vastag, ám acetátos megjelenéssel vegyültek, így a kollekciókban azok is örömüket lelik, akik megjelenésüket egy sokkal magasztosabb erővel szeretnék felruházni. Itt a finomabb és díszesebb oldalszögek is besorakoztak, hogy a csillogás megbabonázza a legegyszerűbb megvilágítást is.

Természetesen, hogy a ragyogás felülmúlhatatlan legyen, azoknak is rengeteg kínálat van, akik szeretik a briliánsabb tündöklést vagy a díszesebb arany/rózsaarany részlet kidolgozásokat is viselni. Leegyszerűsítve; a klasszikus formáktól egészen a magasztos csillogásig, idén mindenkinek lesz kedvence a napszemüvegek kollekcióiban keresgetve.

Mérföldkő a stílusodban!

Az idei téli divattrendeket a letisztult dizájn, a vintage ihletésű darabok, a túlméretezett arányok és a futurisztikus elemek összeolvadása jellemzi.

Látszatra ránktörhet a statement irányzat és a monokróm trendek összeolvadásának egy újradedikált változata, de mégis hangsúlyban tartva annak tisztaságát, alázatát és odaadását. Mondhatnám azt is, hogy az alapokat felerősítő kínálat olyan ellentétes hatást keltő vegyítései kapcsolódtak össze, melyek könnyedén megfordítják az egész öltözködési gondolatmenetet lényegét és ehhez csupán egyetlen elem hozzáadására volt szükség, amely csatolásával a jelenlegi nézőpontot elrugaszkodott a valóságtól és újradefiniálta azt. Ettől olyan érzésünk lehet, mintha egy átváltó hullám idejében lépkednénk, amely képlete tűpontosan rávilágít és leleplez minden részletességet, amely ezek különlegességeit körülöleli.

A plusz elem jelen esetben a „kinyilatkoztatás”, amely a legkülönlegesebb irányzatok elengedhetetlen eszköze, ha egy alapokat felerősítő trendidőbe szeretnénk átütő sikert. Ezek alapjaiból kiindulva pedig szinte az a látszat tárul elénk, hogy alig létezhet hibalehetőség, ha a párosítások viszonyítását tekintjük, ám ha a semlegesebb, élénkebb vagy a minták vegyítéséhez érkezünk, akkor egy megújult gondolkodásmód az, ami a frissült monokróm stílus szabályait kibontakoztatja.  

Sokak számára ez most frissítőként is hat a szinte túlzóan színes időszak után, melyek akcentusai megmaradtak eme irányzat újraírt kibontakozásában, de annak kifinomultabb privilégiumait körvonalazva. Ezáltal vált a leglátványosabb kiéleződéssé és ráhatássá a soron következő szezonok egyikére, hogy összekötő erőt és időzítést érjen el.

Kifejezetten trendívelő a különlegesebb kiegészítőket vagy az egyedi textúrájú ruhákat hozzáadni öltözködésünkhez, melyektől még a legegyszerűbb outfit is hirtelen a figyelemfelkeltő kategóriába fordul át. Így lehet az, hogy az azonos színű pulóverek, garbók, blúzok, szoknyák, nadrágok és kabátok segítségével egy fantáziadúsabb megjelenésig eljussunk, ahol a tónusok, árnyalatok, textúrák és rétegek vegyítésének mérföldköve az érzékiség hozzácsatolása lett.

Eme irányzat emelkedőjének kiépítő idejében lépkedünk, ahol egy sokkal kreatívabb frekvenciát kell tudni megmozgatni, hogy a példáját mutassa meg a felsorakoztatott perspektíváknak. A látványtól eltekintve ezek nem a mintákat érvényesítő kibontakoztatások lesznek, hanem sokkal inkább a hétköznapokba is befűzhető, ötletes, ám részletgazdag kidolgozású ruhák és kiegészítők időszaka, melynek bevezetője a jelenlegi monokróm trend igazi csúcsidőszakának megélése.

A lépések szó szerint újrakövezik majd az önazonos stílus megtalálását, hisz a magabiztos megjelenés megköveteli, hogy tudd, ki vagy!

Top 5 Best Hat Trends You NEED Right Now!

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Hats on! If you’ve been trying for so long to find the best accessories that will give you a more refined, edgy look, this may be your best shot in achieving the style you have always desired! I have a secret to tell, maybe some of you have jumped in on the wagon or have not tried. Stop spending your cash on accessories that will not give you the style of your dreams.

As a woman who loves fashion, I’ve tried different accessories to match with my outfit. One of my most coveted styles is a hat. A hat can alter any outfit into fashionably chic ways. It is a celebration of fashion for women all over the world. So let’s dig in on the top 5 hottest hat trends you need in your life right now.

Here’s the 5 Trendiest Hats You shouldn’t miss

  1. The Beret:

Although it originated from France and considered as the “Parisian Chic” style, women from around the world have worn it for decades. It’s an artist’s favorite and amongst hat aficionados! Since it is for the creative type, it’s best-loved by fashionistas! Berets are mainly for casual look until recently that it had become a dressier type. When wearing a beret, make sure that it fits perfectly. You can wear it either pulled to the side or even pulled down. Get that hint of Parisian glamour anywhere you go.

2. The Jockey:

Do you love good sports hat? And if the answer is yes, this may be your best bet yet! Jockey hats are short brim minimalist hat usually made of felt or wool. It is an excellent alternative to a baseball cap since it’s a close-fitting cap. A fashion-forward look for any day and occasion. Although it is effortless to wear, it doesn’t fall short on the decorative elements. You have to choose your colors wisely and rock this hat with confidence. Sports lovers, this one’s for you.

3. The Beanie:

Here’s to the dreadfully cold months! Unless you want to freeze your brains out! Beanies are the most popular winter hat for women. Since it comes in different shapes, colors, and fabrics, the options are endless! Who doesn’t love to keep warm and snuggly when it’s freezing outside? Or maybe you are having a bad hair day? Keep that frizzy hair in! Beanies can give you the right dose of comfort, confidence, and style. They look cute for your fall/winter outfit. Have fun and be a little badass while you make that casual outfit to perfection.

4. The Classic:

The charm of a truly classic piece of accessory! Amidst the famous fedora and the floppy hat comes a round top hat with a wide brim to protect your eyes from the sun. Although made from a softer felt, it is still sturdy enough to maintain its shape and form that can give the wearer a unique look. Do you love a classic, timeless style with a modern twist? If you want to elevate an outfit elegantly, this hat will take you miles apart! Since it is very versatile, you can use it whether formal or informal occasions choose the material wisely.

5. The Fedora:

Alas! The popular fedora. It is easy to spot a fedora, it has a tear-drop shape, low sitting crown, and a medium curled brim. Although it is usually from felt or wool, nowadays it is made from different fabrics and materials. Yes, even leather! Before it used to be a dress hat but now you can use it with anything. Fedoras are worn pull down on the head to sit just right above the brow line. The trendiest and an extremely flattering hat for women right now. The choice is limitless.

Since I’ve had my full share of accessory mishaps along the way and I want to share with you all how not to over-accessorize. Less is always more! So why stick to just earrings, necklaces, bags, and the rest boring pieces? When you can look and feel elegant and sophisticated in a very subtle way.

My go-to accessory is a hat because it can BEAUTIFULLY FRAME THE FACE. How trendy do you want to be? Or do you want to make that impression? Hats are a hot commodity right now! And if you are a beginner in hat fashion, fret not! First, pick an outfit and add a hat to complete and complement the style. And always remember, practice makes perfect. There’s NO LIMIT in styling a great outfit! Make it exquisite and noteworthy. 

Do you want to stand out in a crowd full of gorgeous and stylish women? Yes! Hat fashion is in. Feel chic, the woman that you are. Be bold, be fearless, and make that statement memorable, express yourself. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL! Do you want more of my FASHION TIPS and TRICKS? https://za.pinterest.com/krisztinasarkanyova/ to follow my journey on how to make a day-to-day outfit extraordinary.

Statement pieces act as a key focus of your outfit.

While basics are the glue that binds our ensembles together, statement details are the
icing on the cake. Statement pieces offer personalized essence to make your outfit more
you! It’s important to choose something with an eye-catching detail that will allow it to
shine and make it memorable.

Statement pieces are seductive and fascinating details in an outfit. They are unique and
appealing, define your character, and complete an attention-grabbing outfit. It could be
features of a cut, garment finishing, or the thing which owns a vivid accent in your look.
Whether it’s a flashy pair of shoes, a great pair of embellished sunnies or a glittery pair
of earrings, here are my rules for working with statement pieces.

Statement Dresses, Skirts and Pants:

Mixing two bold colors as red and pink used to be a huge no-no and now it’s one of the
season’s coolest color pairings. Playing with fun new color combinations is a great way
to liven up your wardrobe-essentials. Yes, a great eye for colors is not something that
comes instantly, but with practice, you can learn the art of color blocking.

But how can you wear red and pink together? There’s always the basic color blocking
outfit where you pair your powerful red piece with another pink one, as your main
outfit focus points. Accessories can then be mixed in those colors as well, or you can
tone the outfit down with neutrals or nudes. If you’re not quite ready to go all-in on the
pink and red combos then dip your toe into the trend via sunglasses, shoes, handbags,
or other small accents.
Be bold, be fearless, and make your style memorable.

Statement Coats and Blazers:

When it comes to jazzing up your winter wardrobe, there’s no better way to do it than
with statement coats or blazers. The key to a real statement piece is choosing a
standout feature. Whether it’s a mesmerizing color, extravagant sleeves, a fascinating
print, or extreme finishes, its job is to take center stage. By pairing it with some tasteful
pieces in your closet, you’ll be able to create so many outfits that will grant a
wow-factor without being too overwhelming.

Statement Knitwear:

When it comes to winter warmers I think you can afford to have a little more fun with
them this season. The sweater is a versatile cozy top that ideally fits windy fall and cold
winter weathers. Nowadays the sweater is not just your average knitted number but also
a perfect statement-making piece. Infact, it’s voguish knitwear, which ideally suits your
everyday looks. There are plenty of options available from floral-embroidered to
exaggerated collars that add another layer of interest to an outfit. Believe me, once you
find your statement knitwear, you’ll wear it more times than you’ll be able to count.

Statement Eyewear:

Prepare for the sun! No matter what the weather is outside – sunglasses are a
must-have accessory all year-round. They also have a special attribution that can
highlight your personal style. My style goes from retro cat-eye to classic and I love
matching it up according to the outfit I’m wearing each day.

Certain pieces simply fall into the classics category; these are the ideal style for those
who want something that’s right on-trend. Embellished, mirrored, or cat-eye style is
ideal for those who love to be a little more adventurous with their accessories. Don’t be
afraid to demonstrate yourself with fun new colors, shapes, and over the top finishes. I
think a pair of incredible frames can really act as the full stop to any style. A statement
frame owns the true power to make your eyewear the focal point and lend the total
image an art.

Statement Shoes:

Shoes are such an easy but highly effective way to dress up, as well as act as the
grounding element to a look. An eye-catching pair of shoes can genuinely dress you up
for any event and day. I think the key to a great statement shoe is in the cut, the
material, and the color. Additionally, they must have interesting details that make them
unique. The best styled marked shoes will incorporate dynamism to your dress and a
pinch of exemplary to your character. Some are very comfortable with that fact and will
wear them proudly, while many choose to not wear statement shoes because they are
not comfortable stepping out of their comfort zone.

Statement Handbags:

Handbags are the heroes of the fashion world. It’s an accessory that gets a daily workout
carrying around all your essentials and since you see it several times a day it should be
one that ideally aligns with your personal style. If you love to make a statement with
your handbag then you’ll love anything punchy that will catch the eye. There are many
possibilities for the perfect choice, starting from leather, canvas to plastic, and fur. Plus,
there are so many fabulous looking prints and colors to choose from. An animal print
will allow you to take a walk on the wild side while the candy-colored baby opens the
door into a fairytale.

Regardless of what kind of trend you’re trying or what dashing piece you just splurged
on, make sure that it’s still very you. Statement pieces aren’t limited to bling alone, it can
also be something with a spectacular detail that will make the whole look phenomenal.

What you want to hear is wow, not whoa. Think about who you are and what you value
when choosing an attention-grabbing piece.

A good rule is to keep it to one outfit, one statement piece. If you’re feeling confident
then multiple statements could lift your game even further. Overall, the main thing to
consider is that the piece that you do wear should add to and complement the outfit
rather than induce shock. After all, good style is about balancing your elements

What is your favorite statement piece? Don’t forget to follow for more tips and tricks in
fashion: https://hu.pinterest.com/kristinasarkanyova

“Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak.” – Rachel Zoe

What to Wear with Every Shoe Color

So, you love shoes! I guess or should I say, I know every girl loves their shoes. We can’t get enough of them. Yeah, the dilemma we are all facing! Let’s be honest. Regardless of how much bright popping shoe color we have, we still go back to our neutrals for some reason. 

Now, how do you make your shoe color work with your outfit? A lot of thinking goes with it, I know! Neutral color shoes are safer options while the bold color shoes are the attention-seeking ones, let’s dig in!

The Neutrals

Black Shoes: 

A real classic! Who doesn’t own a pair of black shoes has missed on its magic. You can wear this with almost anything. However, the key to looking your best is in the balance. Monochromatic never goes out of style! So, create the perfect outfit with a pop of color in your trouser, skirt, or blouse. Black shoes are an essential item in every woman’s closet. 

Nude Shoes: 

The illusion of longer legs. Shoes that almost match your skin tone will set an illusion. While still quite basic, nude shoes can make a great neutral alternative to black. This piece goes with every color in your wardrobe and is a perfect choice when black shoes seem too dark. Try out a pair of nude shoes when you’re wearing outfits in white, cream, or blush and you’ll feel the difference. The color also looks great when paired with statement pieces as it naturally falls to the background.

White Shoes: 

A major head-turner for fall and winter! With white heels, you can come up with countless outfit ideas. Their color offers a lot of versatility and the contrasting color outfit restrictions are not present. These shoes can transition itself whether, everyday occasions, the office, or a nightcap with friends. This shoe color goes best with a neutral or pastel color outfit with a few white accents, bright shades with a few white accents, or whites, creams, and greys will look great too.

Bold Colors:

Red Shoes:

The daring shoes! Red means bold, fierce, and as passionate as the color. A great piece to add an extra punch to your outfit. Whether it is a plain white shirt or a black dress, a red shoe will surely complete that look and a statement maker. Don’t forget to match your red shoe with gold, blue, pink, orange and grey. These are your perfect combo that will take your whole look to another level.

Pink Shoes:

A favorite color for spring! Though there are different shades of pink, you need to look for the one that compliments your skin type. Make your shoes as the bright accent in a toned-down color outfit. Whether it is grey, black, white blouses. White, black, navy blue or blue denim will also look great when paired with pink shoes. So, don’t forget to be playful when wearing pink shoes!

Yellow Shoes:

The color of sunshine! Spring/summer are no fun without these bold and bright colors! Always avoid clashing colors when it comes to yellow. This color goes best with neutrals, black and white, and green and blue. Try which ones are best for you. So, cheer up buttercup because this is the color of fun and confidence!

Green Shoes:

Green footwear has taken the fashion stage by storm! This unique shoe choice not only shows off your adventurous and incredible sense of style, but you can also make them the focal point of your outfit. From bold, grassy shades to the aurora borealis, there is no doubt that this is a trend that gives you extra fashion points. The unique thing about a statement shoe is that you don’t really need to worry about the rest of your look. You can mix textures by pairing the print of your shoes to the print of whatever other printed piece you are wearing. The colors don’t even have to be the same as long as lines and shapes have something in common. It’s a minimal effort that delivers an interesting twist.

Blue Shoes:

Blue is black’s, favorite cousin. This color is not just for fall/winter but also a favorite for the warmer weather. You can mix and match this shoe with green, yellow, neutrals, and orange. Always consider the hue so your colors won’t clash. Look your best like a royal when rocking this color!

Animal Print:

Animal print on clothing and accessories always seem to pop in and out, so you can always be confident when you have some tested animal print fashion staples in your closet.
Even a small addition of animal patches can create a real vibrancy and it is the most classic and versatile print known in the world of fashion. When styled with statement items, the magic power of python or leopard print can add a great addition to your outstanding style. The trick is to use this bold print in the right dose! Rocking animal prints is the sign of a true fashionista.

There are so many color options for your footwear. You can create different outfits by mixing and matching your wardrobe with your shoes. From casual to a formal setting, it’ll be a good idea to create a balanced outfit from head to toe. 

Style is very personal from person to person. Always wear what makes you happy, but don’t be afraid to try something new. Experimenting with different colors, patterns, fabrics are a big part of fashion that you don’t want to miss. 

When building an outfit around your shoes, make sure you put your best foot forward! Feel great, look fabulous, and rock it with confidence. 

What is your favorite shoe color? Let me know in the comments below and don’t forget to subscribe to get updates on my latest style guides.


Tina Fashion

Accessories can add personality and uniqueness to your style!

Accessories are the easiest way to give your summertime outfits personality. The
perfect belt, hat, sunglasses, earrings or handbag can absolutely define your outfit and
help you make the most of what’s already in your closet. These summer accessories will
not only make your outfits look current, they’ll also stay in style for years.

These pieces simply make you the star of your own summer runway. Definitely don’t
miss out!


Great style is all about the details of an outfit. When you are in need of something extra,
adding in a chic belt to your dress will give your look the update you’re looking for.
There’s no doubt that belts are staple items in our closet and no matter which style you
choose to pair them with, you will surely look glamorous.

The general rule for belts this season? The more eye-catching the belt, the better!

Straw Hats:

Straw hats are a game changer during the summer months. A straw hat adds a dollop of
sophistication to the rest of your ensemble. They’re like the icing on the cake; a final
touch that complements the whole. These super cute straw hats not only complete your
stylish summer outfits, it’ll also help protect your face from UV rays.

A Bonus: they pair well with just about every outfit – a casual dress, classic overalls,
shorts and a tee… Never forget the element of mystery that accompanies a stylish
woman wearing a hat.


Sunglasses are my go-to glam accessory. I always feel more put together, regardless of
how I’m dressed or made up, when I have a pair of big sunglasses on. With so many
different styles, brands, and even price points to choose from, it can be difficult to find
the right designer sunglasses. Sunnies offer a way for you to change your look or
enhance it. Wearing sunglasses will often add to your overall look, and give you one
more accessory you can play with.


Your dress game may be on point, but if you intend to make your face the star of the
show, grab a pair of statement earrings. You know, the flashy, glittery ones that
highlight your eyes.
Statement earrings have officially reached wardrobe-staple status! It’s no wonder I can’t
get enough of the trend! Although, I understand that with an accessory this bold, styling
can sometimes get a little intimidating.

So how much is too much? The answer is: It’s really up to you.

Mini Handbags:

It is a no-brainer style secret that clothes and handbags work together in creating an
outfit. However great your outfit or your accessories, the perfect finishing touch comes
from a good handbag. So, to up your style quotient to the next level, you need to choose
your handbag with due care to go with your outfit.
Bags have gotten smaller and smaller! What do you think about those mini bag trends?
Isn’t it cute to hang a tiny bag off your shoulder when going out? Those mini bags bring
charm to any look!

Yes, I know there’s quite a few of these soft-blushed babies in my wardrobe, but what
can I do when I love this type of colour and just want to have more of them!?

Have you ever wondered how some women always seem to look polished, no
matter what they are wearing? The secret to taking even the most basic outfit to
complete and polished, is the art of accessorizing. Knowing how to choose the
right accessories for any outfit is what separates the boring from the
fashionable. Once you learn how to do it, you’ll be one of those women who
always looks stylish.

Style is something you learn every day; you only need to choose the right pieces
for your personality. Choose trendy garments that will make you feel like the
star of the catwalk. Don’t be afraid to add new accessories to your outfit and
have fun!

What are your favorite accessories this summer? Share in the comments below.
Don’t forget to follow for more tips and tricks in fashion.

Black and White outfits take minimalism to the maximum.

Fashion is all about using clothes to bring out something about yourself. It’s a matter of creativity and using whatever you feel like wearing to convey a message. I love picking out outfits, trying on clothes, and finding the perfect look. The rule here is that there are no rules. The trick with black and white outfits is to know how to combine fabrics, and shapes to get a balanced look.

Black and white are technically considered shades of color. In this modern day, we see the color wheel by thinking outside of the box and black-white outfits have become more prominent now than ever before. This duo is fashionably modernized into a chic array of designs.

Black and white style is great to choose for the office, simple enough for casual wear, and eye-catching enough for evening outings, black and white outfits can take you anywhere. All you need to do is keep your colourless look from becoming bland by reworking these classic shades in modern ways.


What are the most fabulous tops for ladies? Of course, they are the blouses. If you want to look trendy and classy, you must have a blouse in your wardrobe. For office ladies, blouses are must-have stuff in their wardrobes and we all agree that blouses create sophisticated and formal look effortlessly. Pretty blouses are really fantastic for women to express themselves on any occasion!


Black or white pants are those fashion pieces that are crucial for every women’s fashion wardrobe. When it is about your everyday outfits, wearing these colorless trousers fashionably can be an intimidating task. White pants are ideal for summer wear, but you can try them on during transitional seasons. It’s a chic and voguish staple that is extremely versatile for wearing with casual and semi-formal outfits. Pairing your black skinny bottom with a white top is the classiest combo. This is something that is always in vogue. The best thing about this combo, it goes from office to after-hours with ease. The neutrals work in sartorial harmony in this ultra-chic and streamlined work outfit. Whatever feels right and makes you feel confident and beautiful, wear it!


I love to invest in classic pieces that I can use for a long time. The main point is, you need to learn how to mix and match to have a fresh looking style every time. Fashion is always evolving, and the only way you can play catch up is by having great pieces in your closet. There are different types of skirts for different body shapes. Explore your options and be fearless in choosing your style and color.
The fall season is the best time to take your work attire to the next level. Spice up your office wardrobe with unique skirts and enjoy the curious glances at your style.


I guess it’s the right time to take your work attire to the next level with one classic piece. Women still look for fresh and professional clothing that can make them look polished and ladylike. Deciding what to wear for the office in the morning takes time and energy, but if you start to think of this piece as your best friend then you’ll find the confidence in it that only this tailoring can offer for you. Over the last decade, the blazer has become a key player in the fashion lover’s capsule wardrobe. The most popular styles have been the oversized and the boxy fits. It’s one of the must-have clothing pieces that every woman should own and something happens when you slip a blazer over your shoulders. You stand a little straighter, you walk with intention and you call the shots.


There are numerous options to try for your working hours, sure it’s important to look office appropriate, but we want to express ourselves showing off our unique style and keeping up with formal looks. There’s nothing chicer than styling an outfit that’s purely black and white. Both bold and classic, black and white combinations are understated enough to work for any event on your calendar. This fall, pump up your go-to outfit with an over knee boots, animal patterned boots, pointed shoes, or stilettoes. Shoes are the footwear that can genuinely make up your event and day. A best styled marked shoes will incorporate dynamism to your dress and a pinch of exemplary to your character. The right high heel can put a pep in your step and lend you a boost of inner confidence that can’t be beaten.


An outfit can be elevated by how you style it. I love polishing my outfits with handbags because bags say much with their own style quotient. If you are using your outfit to make a style statement, let your bag add its own subtle chic message of resonance.
Bag trends come and go, that’s why it’s important to choose your favorite style and keep things personal. You need to find that special bag that you can match with your different outfits. I love great quality handbags that don’t compromise the style. The neutral color is perfect may it be winter or summer. There are more possibilities for the perfect choices, starting from leather, canvas to plastic and fur. Plus, there are fabulous looking prints and colors to choose from. That’s why it’s crucial to know how to style your everyday outfits.


No outfit is complete without the perfect finishing touch! Why not make it your eyewear? Eye-catching frames are a great way to add visual pop to an ordinary ensemble or make an occasion outfit even more stylish. Glasses and sunglasses might be a small accessory, but they have a large impact. With so many different styles, brands, and even price points to choose from, it can be difficult to find the right designer eyewear. From cute and casual to polished and preppy, your lenses can be the stylish sidepiece that takes your outfit to the next level. A great frame can change your face, your style, and even boost your mood.


We all have been through those days when wearing a nice outfit simply won’t satisfy us, regardless of how elegant our dress or our shoes are. Those are the seconds when the accessories become critical because they can have the power of spicing our style game.
Wearing a headband is the simplest way of taking your style to the next level. A simple headband that matches your dress is probably the easiest way of styling your outfit. You can find millions of headband styles, but a black one will be your glamorous accessory this year.  

Back Seamed Tights:

Sometimes we feel limited, but I have great ideas to update your daily mood and keep up with uniqueness!
It’s the perfect weather to wear skirts, dresses or shorts with tights. They are one of the most sensual parts of the female wardrobe when it comes to tights. Most of us think plain or black tights, but if you choose a back seamed one then your tights can also be the statement accessory of your outfit. Stockings with a back seam add interest to a simple daytime wardrobe with solid hues, or a date-night outfit in need of elegant accessorizing. The seams highlight the luxurious construction of your thigh highs and this type of hosiery conveys volumes of your good taste! You are sure to get second glances, as people marvel at your outfit.

Being trendy is a matter of inner perspective and with these colors, you can bring a fresh look that comes together with the alternative of your classic style. Your style is woven with your own creative energy and catches with your inspirational look.

The way we style our outfits can almost transform the items themselves. The key to controlling the overall appeal of an ensemble is to create your own narrative. In order to wear your clothes and not let them wear you. Your outfit has to tell a story that is in your own words.

Your clothing doesn’t speak for you, you speak through your clothes and black and white are always right and will never fail you.

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